Sex Sells

Sex Sells

Sex sells or Sex in advertising, use of sexual or erotic images (sex appeal) to draw interest to and help sell a particular product. The purpose of the imagery is to attract the attention of the potential customer or user. Normally these images have no connection to the advertised products.


More ebooks can be search using these keywords “sex“, “penis“, “vagina” [Here] These keywords may be offense, taboo, sensitive or obscene to certain people or religion but looking it at medical term, it may provide solution to people who have problems.

Let take each keywords and describe it more in detail. “Sex” in dictionary describe as either the male or female division of a species, especially as differentiated with reference to the reproductive functions. This made the doctor easy to define a newly born baby a girl if she have vagina and as a boy if he have penis. See….. “sex“, “penis“, “vagina” does mean anything obscene or sensitive in this issue. It just that human mind have thought that it is taboo and should not openly discuss about it and funny how certain religion claim that it is forbidden and unlawful to even mention these words!

When you search “sex” keywords, these are the content you can expect to find through the searches. Sex Role Play And Sex Games For Couples – The new hot thing in the bedroom! Spicy role play offers over a hundred sexual role play ideas and adult bedroom games for couples that can spice up the sex life. This can help couple to be more intimate in their relationship.

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