What you able to see and win later will be your luck. Different people see different set of numbers. What is your “Prosperity Number?
4D Charting 2 Win! This is a simple easy to use 4D chart. New forecast numbers of coming new draw can be generated. Suitable to be use on these following games.
Goods sold are not returnable or No refund once sold.
If your personal beliefs or religion forbid you to play these games, don’t get involve or buy this charting.
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Who don’t need this chart?
- If your personal beliefs or religion forbid you to play these games, don’t get involve or buy this charting. Why? After you get the chart and build the new forecast numbers, you cannot buy the tickets anyway because it is “illegal” to you.
- “I did not play all these games!”
Good! Not playing is winning all the time…. Well, what else can I say? 
- “I already have my own winning formula”
Good! That all you need! 
- “I am looking for 100% winning formula” If there is one, keep on looking. If you have found one, you 1st share it with me.
In reality is… if there is one… most of the listed games companies above have been bankrupt! Every players in Malaysia & Singapore (or the world) all millionaire. Each time buy, everyone win, no one losing ! If this the scenario you wish to see then where these companies find funds ($$,$$$,$$$) to pay for your winning prizes?
- If you are a lazy person and think that it is troublesome to track each draw numbers then its not for you. You need to do your own homework to make this chart work best for you. There is no such thing as “free lunch” If there is, you need to be in the restaurant to take this treat. No luck for you if stay at home lazy to go.
- If you can go to any number outlets, blindly write out any numbers, go as big as you can then back home relaxing waiting for the end day draw result. Each time you received the result on smartphone, all your numbers will hit any prizes!
If you are this kind of person, I admired and respected you as your guardian angels always by your side to help you win big! 
For what reason I developed this chart?
I am a player of da ma cai, Magnum 4D and Sport Toto for many years. Win some… but lost many, many, many times. Based on credit / debit ledger I have keep several years back I lost more than I have won. So the saying “No Gambling Is Winning All The Time” is true.
There is another saying “If You Never Gamble, How You Know You Have Luck Or Not” This is true too. By buying some numbers (betting) in their outlets, will not 100% guarantee you will be a millionaire overnight. Not buying your chances is zero (0 %) That is.
There are people out there can won any numbers they bought, no need forecast, no need analysis, no need to pray, nothing. The amount to be won is not small either. Mostly big amount or maybe million of ringgit. How can they have such luck?
Are you of of them? If you are not, maybe it time to take a look at the chart I have created. Just because I am not one of the super lucky person and I did not have any guardian angels to help me I have spent some time (many months) to think over and I finally came out with this simple chart just to help me to do my own analysis on new numbers forecasting for next coming new draw.
I put this up as ebook to help people (or players) to do their own charting if they interested. This can help you to narrow down the numbers that you going to buy or at least not blindly to shot at any numbers that will never come out.
After put in some several months of analysis and projection, I can admit that “there are some numbers” will never ever come out for 5 years, 10 years or so.
If you are this person who buy this same numbers for years, it is destined that you will keep on loosing money.