Why Did I Do It
Why Did I Do It? – If I going to break these 5 little words (a sentence) into an individual word, it hardly have any purpose or meaning at all. Putting all these 5 words altogether seem to pointing back myself that I have done something wrong or being guilty of doing something.
Why Did I Do It? The is a question I asked myself or someone may have asked me to demand for an answer and this is what I replied to them. What I am going to do about it and why did I do it, surely I have a very good reason for that. That is my choice, my decision either it is right or wrong. I will take own responsibility for this.
Let me give you a simple example, I was eating my lunch with my fingers and you passed by and wonder why I do that. Looking at me like no one have doing it, you pointed your finger to my fingers. I looked at you and I pointed back myself, I said, “Why Did I Do It? I eat with my fingers as I don’t have a spoon and I am really damn hungry now! Got it?”
When I did a Google search on these keywords, it show more than 1.08 billion results. Wow! Is this something really people searching for? Do you believe this kind of crap? I think because of these reasons, people have the desire to do some videos on this topic. As I gone through the videos below, a lot is related to games, personal experience on loose weight, hair, beard and quite a number of people made a song out of it and stock trading.
Below are some collection of videos I have gather from Uvioo (it made use of originally video from YouTube) about “Why Did I Do It?” Enjoy