Goods Price Up Or Down After 0% GST

Goods Price: Up Or Down After 0% GST?

Starting from 1st June, 2018 new government, Pakatan Harapan (PH) have set 6% GST to 0% GST (Goods Service Tax)

Basically, when the Federal Government no longer collects 6% of each purchase, the price should be down at least 6% over each price.

But there are traders who agree, there are traders who take different stances. Some say during the time that the price with the GST means they bear the GST, so when the GST is abolished, they are reluctant to lower the price of goods as they think it is the GST that they bear on rather than consumers.

The problem is, how can we know whether the price charged is reasonable, or higher? How do we get certainty that our report to KPDNKK will take immediate action?

You can help INVOKE Malaysia to monitor the price. | Laporkan harga, sertai ribuan rakyat Malaysia memantau harga barang

Laporkan harga, sertai ribuan rakyat Malaysia memantau harga barang

Pakatan Harapan 1st Hari Raya Open House

Pakatan Harapan 1st Hari Raya Open House

Majlis rumah terbuka pertama kerajaan PH 1 Syawal ini – Berita Semasa | mStar

PUTRAJAYA: Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad bersama anggota jemaah menteri akan mengadakan Majlis Rumah Terbuka Aidilfitri di Kompleks Seri Perdana di sini pada hari raya pertama.

PUTRAJAYA: Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad with members of the Cabinet will hold Hari Raya Aidilfitri Open House at Seri Perdana Complex here on the first day of the holiday.

Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) said in a statement on Monday said the function will begin at 10 am to 4.30 pm.

“It is estimated that more than 50,000 visitors will attend this event,” he said.

Favorite Articles After PRU-14

Favorite Articles After PRU-14

Before PRU-14 (Pilihan Raya Umum ke-14) or GE14 (General Election 14) I did not spend much time on online news or political blogs as nothing much seem to interest me. Most of the articles or news printed are bias toward the then ruling government, BN (Barisan Nasional)

It portray how great BN is, how ego they are with its mega projects, how much $$$ collection they have collected from the public on GST and so on…. etc. So proud…. so arrogant!

But now BN (UMNO / MCA / MIC) news drew much more of my interest everyday. Every day news seem to be much more interesting than yesterday’s history. I like to read now on how they will act after it huge loses by “Tsunami Malaysia” or “Malaysian Tsunami” in PRU14. Can they become great opposition parties for Pakatan Harapan government?

Listed below are the articles, blogs or news I have read through and love it very much. I have compiled it all here and hope this will save your time in finding or searching it on your own. Hope you enjoying reading it as much as I am!

Frankly speaking, you won’t have the chance to read these if Pakatan Harapan have lost the GE14 on 9th May, 2018 but luckily the rakyat tsunami indeed have happened in bigger scale that able to push Pakatan Harapan to Putrajaya as a new government!

For your information, some of these are in Bahasa Melayu (Bahasa Malaysia) If you have trouble in understanding this language, you can always use Google translate to your readable language.

Among the interesting articles (news, blogs etc) that worth sharing are

  1. (29/06/2018, World Of Buzz)
  2. (29/06/2018, The Star Online)
  3. (28/06/2018, Asia One)
  4. (12/06/2018, The Malaysian Insight)
  5. (12/06/2018, The Malaysia Insight)
  6. (11/06/2018, The Third Force)
  7. ! (10/06/2018, New Straits Times)