My Life In Numbers

My Life In Numbers

Our life are numbered! My life in numbers, that right! Like it or not, we going to spend the rest of our life with numbers and alphabets. Numbers have played the biggest role in our life. It can be “crap” or “crab” to us. If it is crap, it can mess up our life, love, health, dream and destiny. The best thing that numbers can happen to us is being the crab where we can eat it, have fun, live our dream and enjoying life.

My Life In Numbers, Crap? Or Crab?

Read on and decide if it is crap or crab in your life. Let begin from the date when we are born to this world. The doctor noted down the time and date that moment when we greet them with noisy crying. Many thought that this are our 1st number. Nope! You are wrong. The 1st number in our life is when 9 months back from our birthday, our parents have decide to make love in order to have us. No one (except God) know the exact time, day or date when this happened.

You… the champion that have beat million of your brothers & sisters during the race to fertilize an egg, is number 1. This is your number! This the number for me, you and everyone that have came out from our mother womb. Some of us came to this world by accident and some are planned ahead.

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