Things Consider Choosing Perfect Hob

Things Consider Choosing Perfect Hob

How Do You Prefer To Cook?

Things consider choosing perfect hob, as you can see on the chart below, induction, gas and ceramic hobs have their own relative strengths.

Gas often used in professional kitchens, gives you immediate control over the heat level and the flames provide good visual feedback. Extra spacious gas hobs are perfect for various Asian cooking styles, including stir-frying, deep-frying and steaming. They give you the freedom and flexibility to cook multiple dishes simultaneously. You can rapidly increase and reduce heat as required.

Ceramic hobs have a smooth, glass-ceramic surface, with the heating elements under the glass, so these hobs are easier to keep clean.

Induction hobs use electromagnetism to pass heat directly through  metal pans. So, while the pans heat up, the hob’s smooth ceramic surface remains safe to touch. It also gives you the speed of gas with unbeatable ease of use.

As sleek and elegant as they are, the beauty of induction hobs is more than skin deep. Induction hobs are easy to clean, because spills cannot burn or bake on. They’re also energy saving as no pre-heating is necessary.

How Many Burners / Heating Zones Will You Need?

This depend on your household size and personal preferences. Three burners are usually enough for most homes. Just as important as the number of burners, is their position and layout. Most hobs are designed to easily accommodate woks and other Asian cookware.

Mix, match and customize your own hob with variable cooking zones, for the perfect culinary experience.

Is Child-safety Your First Consideration?

Induction hobs generally pose less risk of burn injuries, especially because there’s no open flame.

Product Benefit Induction Gas Ceramic
High Heat Output 0 0
Fast Heat Response, Superior Control 0 0
Superior Simmering Performance 0 0
Visual Feedback 0
Economical To Operate 0
Flat Surface, Superior Cleaning Ease 0 0
Auto-off Timer Convenience 0 0
Safe To-touch Cooking Surface 0
Simple Installation, No Electrical Needs 0

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